
a software developer


I’m a software developer, linguist, and USMC Veteran in Omaha. I started learning languages as an Arabic Linguist in the Marine Corps. Then, after studying French in college, programming languages caught my eye. I attended The Turing School of Software and Design, graduating from the Front-end Developer bootcamp. These days, I'm between jobs and spending my time getting more familiar with backend technologies, deepening my grasp of the full stack. If you like what you see here, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn!

Most of my professional experience involves frontend technologies such as Javascript, HTML, and CSS, but I am excited to continue adding to my skill set. Previous projects have required me to work in Java APIs, and there is always another Javascript framework to add to my tool belt. If you don't see it listed here, chances are I'm itchin' to learn it.

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Vue
  • Ember
  • HTML
  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • TDD
  • Node
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • Java

When I'm not writing code, you can probably find me in a gym or behind a drum set.

...on second thought, check the drums first.



Aug 2021 - Nov 2023

I was most recently employed as a Software Developer at Gallup, Inc where I was charged with maintaining, testing, and implementing new features on client-facing React apps and their service layers built with . Gallup is an analytics and advisory company that conducts polling around the world and provides management consulting to organizations based on their proprietary CliftonStrengths assessment and Q12 employee engagement survey.

I was part of the Gallup Analytics and Reporting (GAR) team. We maintained a collection of apps that allow clients to administer employee engagement surveys, analyze those surveys’ results, and build actionable plans to increase employee engagement using Gallup’s learning resources. Naturally, a good chunk of my work on this team involved implementing and updating data visualization libraries. I was often revising or simply using a mono-repo of custom React and Ember data visualization components built leveraging Highcharts for graphs and Storybook for live documentation.

When I first started at Gallup, GAR was just starting to migrate all of their frontends to React from Ember. Those Ember apps were built before Javascript was commonly type-checked and had virtually no test coverage. So, to increase the robustness and resilience, I brought test coverage up to 90% for both unit tests using Jest and end-to-end tests using Cypress and implemented Typescript to support type-checking. Similarly, I migrated micro-frontends from Ember to React that integrate with adjacent Gallup products to show a user a quick summary of their data from our product.

Gallup also gave me my first taste of backend development. The backend was built in Java, which I had to learn on the fly. Luckily, I had used Object-Oriented Programming while learning Vanilla Javascript at Turing, so I had a decent foundation to learn Java fundamentals on. My work on the backend was light, but I learned so much about micro-services, layered architecture, and separating logic. I wouldn’t call myself a Java expert, but after my time at Gallup, I feel confident in my fullstack capabilities.

United States Marine Corps

July 2012 - May 2017

I served 5 years in the Marine Corps as a 2671, Middle East Cryptologic Linguist. I shipped off to MCRD Parris Island a week after my 19th birthday, and I was meritoriously promoted to PFC before graduation for displaying excellence in leadership, expertise, and physical fitness as a squad leader. I attended the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA where I studied Modern Standard Arabic. In a little more than a year, I went from learning the alphabet to watching movies and discussing social issues in Arabic. I graduated DLI with a 2/2+/1+ DLPT score (listening/reading/speaking). I attended a few more Signals Intelligence training courses at San Angelo AFB on my way to Camp Lejeune, NC. After deploying from North Carolina to Spain and Senegal, I attended an advanced Arabic course at PLTCE in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany where I raised my language scores to 3/2+ (listening/reading).

I deployed on the Special Purpose MAGTF-Crisis Response-Africa with 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines as part of the 2nd Radio Battalion detachment. I served as the linguist on a SigInt Support Team monitoring, transcribing, and translating intercepted target communications; performing analysis and exploitation of designated foreign communications; and installing, operating, and performing preventive maintenance of intercept equipment.

In the final year of my service, I became a Combat Marksmanship Coach. As a coach, I instructed Marines in marksmanship fundamentals, analyzed shooters’ difficulties during dry and live firing exercises, and assisted range staff in range operations.

Upon my end of active service, I received an honorable discharge at the rank of Sergeant (E-5).


This was my first big project at Turing School! TicTacToe is a simple game of Tic Tac Toe that saves each player's wins to local storage. It was built to display my skills in VanillaJS, HTML, and CSS. No frameworks, no compilers, no preprocessor. If you look closely you can see all the good fundamentals like Object Oriented Programming and Javascript classes.

While you're here, play a round!

Do you like Breaking Bad? Do you pretend you're a rogue science teacher when you eat that blue crystal candy at the fair? Well this is the app for you! Match 10 randomly selected quotes with who said it. I built this to practice working in React with class-based components and asynchronous Javascript. There is also a full E2E suite in here built with Cypress. Pretty neat!

While you're here, be the one who knocks!

Do you like Breaking Bad? Do pretend you're a rogue science teacher when you eat that blue crystal candy at the fair? Well this is the app for you! Match 10 randomly selected quotes with who said it. I built the frontend of this using React and it was based on a couple of public api's, but in the last couple of years, one of those api's has died (RIP 🪦). I built this to replace that dead api and simplify the data for my app's purposes. To do that, I had to explore NodeJS a little more and learn to leverage Express.

While you're here, go be the one who knocks!






